Major Accident Hazards and associated risk reduction


Businesses with a potential for major accidents where hazardous chemicals are a part of the business operations, or businesses which handles, uses or produces amounts of oil and/or gas that has a potential for major accidens shall act according to relevant regulations. For offshore businesses the PSA regulations (Management, Activity and Facilities regulations) are essential, and for onshore businesses the Major Accident regulations is prevailing.

Based on the potential for major accidents exposing people, environment or assets, there are requirements regarding risk and consequenc reduction.


Course content

The course covers how a business or organisation shall identify, evaluate and handle aspects which may affect the likelihood for a major accident (pluss and minus), how consequences should be reduced and how the business and surroundings shopuld be prepared if a major accident situation should occur.


The training will give the participant

  • Undertanding of the major accident perspective in light of all other risk in the business
  • Understanding of the potential consequences of major accident
  • Understand chain of events and dominoeffects that may affect the outfall of an incident
  • Knowledge of prevailing acts and regulations, both prior to startup and during operations
  • Knowledge of and understanding of the requirement for reporting
  • Knowledge of methos for risk assessment and risk reduction

The following themes are covered

  • Background for the Major Accident Regulations
  • introduction to relevant regulations covering major accidents
  • Duties of the businesses
  • Reporting duty
  • Safety Report and its content
  • Management system and organising
  • Emergency preparedness plan
  • Information duty
  • Selection of barriers, when do we have enough?
  • Examples and cases for discussion in plenum



Course location

Standard courses are held in our location.


6 hours, normally from 09.00 to 15:00.



Target group

All employees with respåonsibility for one or more of the business activities, HSE Managers, Safety Delegates, Business Management.


NOK 3.990,- ex. VAT per per participant on standard courses.

Lunch is included

For company internal courses or for businesses sending mnore than one peron, special prices may be given. Please contact us for more information.