Workshop Facilitation

pages-workshopFacilitating a workshop is not to take a leading role in a meeting. Workshop facilitation also includes tasks prior to and after the workshop, ensuring that all participants are prepared, that the workshop is structured and focused on the subject, and that reporting is accurate, complete and according to client specifications.

Through experience as speakers, teaching and as facilitators of hundreds of workshops, Xafe has gained the ability to facilitate and perform a vast number of different workshops.

Even though each workshop will be customized to suit the client needs, the workshop often follow a pattern similar to a standardized workshop such as:


  • Hazard Identification (HAZID)
  • Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA)
  • Hazards in Operation (HAZOP)
  • HSE design reviews
  • Simultaneous Operations (SIMOPS)
  • Safe Operations (SAFOP/SAFEOP)
  • Hazards in Construction (HAZCON)
  • SIL Assessments
  • Risk and Vulnerability Analysis